
Friday, November 6, 2015

My Sister Sleuth Alma Has A Few Things To Say

Alma Trumbo here. Isabel and I are featured in the new cozy mystery novel Sweet Betsy: Book #5 in the series. You may've read about our previous sleuthing adventures in the other cozy mystery books. This time out, I get things rolling when I dig up a bone while Isabel and I are out in the front yard planting marigolds that she bought at the hardware store. Nobody else living in Quiet Anchorage has ever found something so interesting. I don't know why it happened to us except to say there wouldn't be a story if I hadn't found it. Being the sharper-eyed sister, I knew right away it was a human bone. Of course, Isabel took the contrary view, as sisters often do even in their seventies as we are. She swore up and down my discovery was a fossilized dinosaur bone. Can you believe that? I mean why would there be a dinosaur bone buried in our flower bed? Luckily, I stuck to my guns. Older sisters aren't always the wisest as they like to proclaim. Sometimes I don't know how we manage to stand each other and continue living together under the same roof with our lovable beagle Petey Samson. Anyway, the only possible way to settle our dispute over my found bone was to put away our gardening tools and take it straight down to Sheriff Fox. He was none too pleased to see us since we interrupted him taking his nap at his office desk. But murder was in the air, and somebody had to make it right. Besides, I got a lot of satisfaction from winning our argument over where the found bone came from.

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