
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

To Upgrade, Or Not Upgrade My E-reader?

Last night I caught a TV ad for the new Kindle Fire HD priced at $299, if memory serves me. I was working on different blog post with my laptop at the time. Anyway, it got me to thinking about upgrades to the latest and greatest version of something, such as in this case e-readers. From the brief ad, it looks pretty slick and cool. I don't know about other folks' situations, but $299 is a gob of green in our household. The price of gas is creeping back up. Sequestration is a big word tossed around a lot in these parts. The federal government is yoked by law to make drastic cuts in the budgets. El old laptop might bite the dirt anytime. My point is I'd have to think long and hard before I ever popped. My basic Kindle still serves me just fine. On the other hand, I can anticipate the excitement of getting a new one. Anyway, that's my e-reader story, and I'm sticking with it. For now, at least.

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