
Thursday, March 14, 2013

What Are Your Biggest Twitter User Peeves?

Recently I saw an online poll asking what twitter users viewed as their biggest peeves. So, I decided I'd use my blog to list a few of the most common twitter user peeves and give my experiences with them.

1. Spammers. I mostly get these in the direct messages (DMs are twitter's version of email).

2. Hacked twitter accounts. I'll get a DM asking me if I've seen this picture of me. The link is to a bug that hijacks your account and generates tweets advertising their product or service. Your followers get annoyed real fast and unfollow you. Lots of them unfollow. Yeah, been there, done that. Change your password often.

3. Auto DMs when you follow somebody new. They are so obvious, and any personal touch in the response is lost.

4. Hashtags (#). I used to include them more in my tweets but I've gotten away from the practice. I've read they're annoying to some users.

5.  Twitter rule about following too many people vs. the number of followers. I've never experienced twitter shutting me down from adding new followers. I keep a close eye on the balance so I don't get in that position.

6. Celebs with millions of followers. I'm not bothered. I don't follow any celebs except for authors. Well, I did follow back Seinfeld TV Reruns because I'm a big fan.

7. #FollowFridays. A method used to gain more followers. #FFs can be fun, but overuse makes them less so. I try to thank anybody who includes me, and, on occasion, will do them.

8. No profile picture, just the grayed out silhouette. I used to put my latest book cover art there, but I think folks want to see an actual human face, so I uploaded my portrait instead. A couple of my tweeps said they liked the move.

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