
Monday, July 29, 2013

How I Find My Blogging Ideas for My Cracked Rearview Mirror Weblog

Every once in a while, I like to reassess where I am with my Cracked Rearview Mirror Weblog. One thing I look at is how I generate my blogging ideas. Since I write novels and read books, those are the predominant topics. I also like to free range with my blog posts if just to introduce a little variety and change up things. I scan the current newspaper headlines for triggering my blog ideas although I do that a lot less now. I know one area I haven't blogged much about is my enjoyment of listening to jazz music, so I might keep that little-used topic in my "tickler file." Since I like to watch movies, I have written short reviews on them, both current films and films noir which are my guilty pleasure. I blog on Tuesdays about the Forgotten/Overlooked Films. I may have to cut back on my film reviews and start up my reading novels. We all go through cycles in our different whims and interests. I also keep a few blog posts in reserve, often just with a title that I can expand later into a full-fledged blog post. Of course, when a new book comes out, I blog about it as I get out the word. Thanks for reading my words.

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