
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stockpiling Your Favorite Reads For The Winter

With the days growing shorter here in the United States, I know that the cold weather is on the way. Winter is a good time for reading, so I look at my to-read pile and see what I have stockpiled. Of course, some of the books are paperback, while others are e-books waiting on my Kindle. There are two Richard Stark Parker entries I bought them from our local Borders that went out of business. Sadly, I know there will be no more of those titles coming out. I'm on the library's waiting list (#275) to read Stephen King's crime novel Joyland. Last month I took off an afternoon and drove over to our nearest secondhand bookstore. I found four titles I haven't read, all of them crime novels. So, I'm pretty well set, and I hope your to-read pile is also well-stocked.

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