
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Learning Better How to Let Go and Say Goodbye

This blog post isn't about anything sappier than turning loose of my work-in-progress. Harlan Coben once said during a talk I attended that he is changing commas right up until the last minute. I suspect he was only half-kidding. A dozen thoughts jam my racing mind before I cut my WIP adrift and move on to the next project. One of my largest concerns right now is whether my WIP is different enough from my previous books. Nothing is more boring than reading the same thing found in an author's two books. I take special pains to lock in and ensure all of my writing is fresh content. I use a checklist of different items to review and fix during my revision process. Still, when the right time comes to pull the trigger, I won't hesitate because I have already done it many times before now with my new books. And the Good Lord willing, I'll do it again many more times to come.

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