
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Deck The Homes With Boughs Of Electric Lights

Every year about this time, I like to begin looking for the neighbors' homes decorated with their electric Christmas lights. If there is time, we drive around the streets and check out the colorful displays. We know which neighbors really dress up their places with the major league presentations of bright lights. Last Christmas we paid for tickets to take the walking tour of an outdoors lights festival, an intense visual experience I very much enjoyed. A bit odd considering I am more of a "word" person than I am "visual" one. I have no real idea of how expensive the electric bills are when the power company's tab comes due. Maybe you know. I even believe I saw an ad run on cable TV about a reality TV show centered on decorating homes for Christmas. That competition might be carrying things a little too far. My favorite color for the Christmas lights has to be the calm blue lights I see hung out. Not all is good, however. I read a news piece on a house fire blamed on the faulty wires to the Christmas lights strung up.

Here is the link to the news report along with the safety tips:

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