
Monday, December 2, 2013

Wave of the Future: Amazon Is Testing Delivery Drones

Have you heard of the delivery drones that Amazon has in the testing stage? They buzz through the air guided by GPS to land and drop off the deliveries right on the customers' doorsteps. I saw the news segment last night on 60 Minutes, and it is real George Jetson stuff. Jeff Bezos is pretty excited by his company's unique invention. "It will work, and it will happen, and it's gonna be a lot of fun," he told 60 Minutes. I found it to be amazing, but I wondered how the human factor might play into it. For instance, suppose a prankster decides to vandalize the drone while it is on the ground making its delivery? It won't be returning to home base. How can every company wanting to use their own dedicated fleet of drones making their lightweight deliveries be controlled? The airspace will be filled with the grasshopper-like contraptions buzzing around everywhere. I guess all the bugs, pardon the pun, will have to be worked out first.

Here's the link to one story in the Chicago Tribune:

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