
Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Best Goodreads Poll: Unsual Places to Read

Goodreads recently conducted a poll asking its members to vote on the given list of unusual places they find themselves reading in. So, I decided to address each item in the poll and just see how I stack up.

Reading while sitting back to back with a friend.
I can't recall ever having done this. Maybe I have with my wife at the beach or pool.

Reading while sitting on the toilet.
H'm. That's a bit personal. Who hasn't maybe is a better question.

Reading while eating.
Oh sure, especially at lunchtime. I eat everyday in front of my laptop. We used to call it a "working lunch."

Reading while walking.
Not in recent memory, I haven't. I've seen other pedestrians squinting down at their smart phones. I assume they are texting or whatever. I like to mull over my work-in-progress while I walk.

Reading while wedged in between other subway/train/metro riders.
I easily get motion sickness and don't like to read while I'm in transit. I do better on subway cars than I do in a vehicle. On subway cars, I think it's more fun to people watch. LOL.

Reading in bed with a spelunking head lamp/book light/flashlight etc.
Sometimes by the nightstand lamp I read. I never did the flashlight routine, and the spelunker head lamp sounds like a promising idea to try out sometime.

Reading over someone's shoulder.
Maybe I've glimpsed a headline from a newspaper being read by a subway rider. The ereader devices are too small for me to read from far away. Eavesdropping is easier, especially when a fellow rider is yapping on their cell phone over the noise. Annoying.

Reading in the bath.
Nope. Always afraid I'll drop the book or Kindle into the water.

I also like to read while I'm waiting for my coffee to finish perking.

There you have it. How did you do on the Goodreads poll?

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